May Days! May Days!
The most challenging part
of the year has begun. Time to get creative! I attended a webinar
the other day by @aaronquigley where he mentioned Fishbowl Debates as a
teaching strategy to get students engaged in problem based learning. Fishbowl
Debates turn out to be a great way to get kids thinking about different
perspectives, an important part of any higher level thinking!
Fishbowl Debate Basics
So what is a Fishbowl
Debate? You arrange your seating in a circle with a small circle of
4-5 chairs in the center. Assign different points of view to groups
of students on issues or questions from history, the headlines, politics,
novels, etc. Each group discusses the question from their assigned
perspective in the center of a circle. After each group has shared,
students can discuss the issues with peers from other groups. Aaron’s
adaptation “the deep dive” – had representatives from each point of view in the
center and students on the outside researching support material and tagging in
when they had something to say. Check out some other great
variations of this teaching strategy from the site Facing
History and Ourselves.
Fishbowl Debate Resources
So how do you pick a topic
for your debate? Why not look to the headlines?
is a great source of high interest articles offered in different reading Lexiles
to differentiate for your students. They also have great Pro/Con
articles like “Are Federal Regulations
needed for E cigarettes?” that provide an easy start to any
debate. is also a great site that provides different
perspectives on many hot topics.
Want to increase engagement and
participation? Hold an electronic Fishbowl debate. Did
you know the free SCAN tool at TregoED provides
scenarios with questions and different perspectives that students can discuss
in a private online discussion platform? Included are links to articles
or you can add your own. Check out the latest
lessons: “Vaccines: Should all School Children be
Required to get Them?” or “Should E Cigarettes be Regulated like
Tobacco?” (Both lessons use articles from that offers
them in different reading levels.) The SCAN tool has built in
critical thinking questions to keep the conversation going.
Either way, high tech or low tech,
teaching strategies that link to relevant and interesting topics, provide
different points of view and encourage students to consider different points of
view are a great way to get kids engaged and thinking any time of year!
More ideas for the end of the year:
Engaging Projects for the End of the Year from
Looking Ahead to the Last Weeks of School from
Middle Web
What activities have you found to keep them engaged and learning? Please share!